P!nk Slams Troll’s Hateful Birthday Message, Which She Shared With Her Daughter: ‘It Was a Good Lesson in Ignorance’

2023-09-12T17:35:00+00:00September 12th, 2023|News|

P!nk turned 44 over the weekend and while many fans offered up sweet, thoughtful birthday messages, as always, there were some haters who took the opportunity to throw shade. And, as usual, the singer met their haterade with a sharp lesson in tolerance and dignity.

After someone posted a birthday wish accompanied by a photograph of trans British comedian/actor Eddie (Suzy) Izzard in a striped dress on a red carpet in what appeared to be an attempt to troll the singer, P!nk shot back with a pointed response.

“Thank you so much. I just showed my 12-year-old daughter your post,” she wrote of her eldest child Willow Sage Hart. “I explained to her that I’ve never met you, I don’t know you, and I have no idea why you would go out of your way to be hateful. It was a good lesson in ignorance. Thank you. I still don’t know you. Congrats. You’re no one.”

In a follow-up, she added, “MOST IMPORTANTLY -what a wasted opportunity here. There are so many pictures you could’ve chosen that were actually me that were worse than this picture, you nameless f–ko. At least be creative next time dum dum.”

The singer, who has long been a fierce ally of the LGBTQ community and a powerful voice against bullying, offered up one more thought in an early morning tweet on Tuesday (Sept. 12), writing, “I post these things to show the kids I know- my own kids as well, that we are all occasionally treated badly. I show them because they know me, and they know that my self-esteem does Not rely on the opinions of others. Nor does it rely on how many tickets I sell. Good/bad. Whatever. I love Me. Now I shall Sleep really really Well.”

When a fan offered that they were shaking their head at people who are “the worst,” P!nk agreed that “some” are, slamming cowards who try to throw bombs from the shadows. “What these kind of people are anonymous, lonely,” she said. “And Miserable. But Most people are smart, good, and rad.”

The singer’s Summer Carnival tour marches on on Friday (Sept. 15) with a show at Piedmont Park in Atlanta, GA.

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