In a world of staged photos, exaggerated online presences and overly catered social lives, pop artists Lauv and Conan Gray have one thing to say: Please stop.
On Tuesday (Oct. 13), Lauv and Gray unveiled their brand-new music video for “Fake,” the pair’s latest single taking on those people who would rather have a long list of Instagram followers than real connections with people. “You’re so f—ing fake/ You don’t mean a single thing you say,” the two sing on the song’s chorus. “If we’ve got a problem, say it to my face/ And you’re just like all the people that you hate.”
In the new clip, the pair take part in a massive photo shoot, imitating the people they’re singing to, putting on the veneer of a fun, carefree friendship while carefully staging each different vignette. Whether it’s a cheetah-print pillow fight, or a confetti-filled bounce castle, the two show the entire process to highlight the song’s meaning.
Lauv elaborated in a statement posted alongside the video, where the singer thanked the crew of the shoot for maintaining strict social distancing guidelines throughout the shoot. “Thank you to the entire cast and crew for following all the strictest recommended COVID safety protocols including advance and onsite testing, masks and social distancing to order to ensure the shoot was safe as possible for everyone involved,” he wrote.
Check out the eye-catching new video for Lauv and Conan Gray’s “Fake” below: