JoJo Siwa’s smiles are all real. The vivacious teenage social media star recently came out, started a conversation and she’s been smiling ever since.
Siwa Zoomed in from Vancouver, Canada for a chat with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show. Right at the top, Siwa explored the experience of letting in the world on her personal life.
“My thing with coming out is, it can be a very scary thing,” she told the late-night TV host. “Of course not everybody in the world is going to accept it right now but there are so many people who are going to accept it. Even if there’s a million people, that’s a lot of people that don’t accept it, there’s a hundred million that do. That’s something really important. Always keep that in mind.”
In retrospect, she admits it was a “really big risk” to share her coming out post. “But if I lost everything that I’ve created because of being myself and who I wanna love, I don’t want it.”
Siwa also talked about her future dreams and hopes (playing the halftime at the Super Bowl is high on the list) and announced her involvement in a new musical. It’s titled The J Team, and features her pals from Nickelodeon. And, true to form, JoJo’s seriously pumped for the soundtrack, which will include six new numbers. “It’s centered around my life, and also centered around being yourself and being true to who you are,” she says of the project.
Watch the full interview below.