It’s fair to say, Finneas O’Connell is overshadowed by his younger sister Billie Eilish. It’s fair, but maybe a little unfair considering the a-grade production he lends to Eilish’s works and the unbeatable chemistry they bring to the studio. He’s cool with it. Everyone is overshadowed by Billie Eilish.
On Wednesday night (Dec. 8), Finneas stepped out on his own with a performance of his reflective new holiday song “Another Year” on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.
For his appearance, Finneas did away with over-the-top theatrics. It was just a man with his keys and a mic, wearing a festive red shirt. And oozing with class.
“Another Year” dropped on Dec. 1, just in time for the lead-up to Christmas.
Watch the performance below.